By doctorsandnurses - 13/01/2012 10:47 - United Kingdom

By doctorsandnurses - 13/01/2012 10:47 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 19/03/2009 19:10 - United States
By instinct - 12/06/2013 03:06 - Australia - Doncaster East
By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 21:51 - Canada
By johnny121 - 01/01/2010 19:14 - France
By Joel_28 - 01/03/2010 00:33 - Canada
By Anonymous - 26/07/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 22/08/2012 20:08 - United States
By ugh - 31/01/2012 00:25 - United States
By Walter - 24/10/2015 03:17 - Spain
By ERnightmare - 02/08/2018 21:00 - United States - Long Beach
U should just stop stressing!. Besides look at the bright side atleast you're memorizing them better now
send here a bill for the "check-up".
I'm in Anatomy and that's so true. I'd be all 'Nice buccinator muscles' to kids that are in band.
You forgot to mention that you do it on purpose to show off.
oh no he didn't !!!
22- that was bitchy, ever thought maybe the girl is just smart?
Not even doctors speak like that. They may think, but not speak... So I stand by my thought.
Actually I used to date a practicing doctor and he used to make jokes like that, so speaking from experience, yes it CAN happen.
Oh, hm, speaking from my own experience, that's called showing off. None of the doctors I know speak like that. And no, I'm not lucky enough to have been honored by your graceful presence. Want to be friends?
Way to blow a joke way out of proportion. I see you do this often, does it make you feel good belittling people?
@ 112- Is that a rhetorical question ?
More of an observation really..
Hey hey, at least you got some action. Next time demand a BJ, not much to think about there. BJ's ftw!
Well... What did you learn?
You've only got 99 cookies?
Cause a bitch ate one.
Did this bitch happen to be on the large side, with a white beard and rosy cheeks?
Thinking about work is how I last longer. Last night I doubled my record of 30 seconds, try and top that...
"I want to lick your labia minora." That's not so bad, OP.
There's no need for you to use your hypoglossal nerve in lingually palpating her ********. If she digitally stimulates your frenulum of prepuce, you're going to get into trouble. Just ignore her nipple-areola complex and concentrate on your textbook, junior.