By Anonymous - 15/01/2013 20:56 - Finland - Helsinki

Today, after a long, horrible day at work and some fighting with my family and my girlfriend, I decided to cheer myself up by going to McDonald's for a change. I burst into tears when the cashier told me they couldn't make me a Mars McFlurry because they'd run out of ingredients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 948
You deserved it 8 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kellyelly 9

Awwwe. Keep your head up man. Don't let life bring you down. God be with you.

happilyever2012 6

Nobody should have to feel the pain of not getting mnm's on a bad day :(

Andy Andy, how did the Mars Bars disappear? Andy Andy, the new fat guy ate them, we fear With no ice cream for our floats, and no Snickers in our bowls You can't say you're satisfyed but Andy Andy, you're a Mcpussy if you cry

I had the same exact day minus the McDonalds cryathon I'm just sitting here wondering y does my life suck so bad

If OP is the kind of person who has a breakdown because their fave dessert has run out then I suspect the reason they have been arguing with family/girlfriend/whoever is because they are just plain in the wrong and tantrum ensued when someone told them how it is.

mehwhocares 9

Not necessarily. Sometimes it's just too much, and a person's in a bad enough mood and emotional enough state that a small thing can cause everything to come to the surface, especially if they were really looking forward to it to make them feel better. It's not someone being overly dramatic, it's just life.

No, that is a excuse for a lack of self discipline and self control. Please don't try and make excuses for the weak and pathetic.

mehwhocares 9

I'm glad you've never been so tired and had so much of a bad day that the world seems like it's crashing in around you. It happens to a lot of people. It doesn't make us "weak" or "pathetic"; it means we have emotions, and sometimes they get the best of us.

Ah no, you are misunderstanding me, I do know this feeling, but seriously, to have a mini tantrum or to burst into tears, that needs a serious slap in the face with the GTFOI stick. If you cannot conduct yourself with some degree of dignity under stress you need help, maybe somekind of therapy?

rem243 3

The first problem was choosing to go to McDonalds to put you in a better mood..

SDTD10 5

It happens to the best of us. Don't worry about it OP

KaiCer0 8

So much fuckery in one day.. So sad man. Someone offer up a happy meal!

I work at a Mc Donald's and that thus suck.