By wetandnaked - 09/07/2012 07:06 - United States - San Bernardino

Today, after a particularly difficult late night workout at the gym, I decided to shower in the locker room. I must have passed out, because I later woke up naked, surrounded by police after someone called to report a dead body in the shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 630
You deserved it 3 273

wetandnaked tells us more.

OP here: Doctor says it's most likely due to the low blood pressure I didn't know I had prior to that visit. He suggested I include more salt in my diet, and that's about it. Also, I woke up with a towel draped over me, I'm definitely female, and no, the soap didn't smell like chloroform hahaha.

Top comments

Damn glad you're ok and didn't get raped or a concussion.


Remind me this classic joke. Policeman : Doc, what caused the death ? Coroner : He's not dead sir, he's drunk and taking a nap ? Policeman : In your lab ? Coroner : well, he's my assistant so...

1- chloraphorm? More like boraphorm!


Hope you're ok, OP. Crazy that gym staff don't have at least basic first aid skills - ABC.

Did they not check a pulse or anything? Stupid conclusion to jump to so quickly really.

You are not suppost to work out until you're body feels like it's goign to pass out. FML for passing out and having that kind of issue, but YDI for being stupid and not listening to your body.

OP here: Doctor says it's most likely due to the low blood pressure I didn't know I had prior to that visit. He suggested I include more salt in my diet, and that's about it. Also, I woke up with a towel draped over me, I'm definitely female, and no, the soap didn't smell like chloroform hahaha.

this happened to me a few months ago and I got the same advice! but I passed out after climbing a sand dune :/

Also, I have no idea why the caller didn't bother to check for a pulse before declaring me dead -_-.

Hahah. OP you are a freaking genius. You could make money off of this and this will be a great story to tell in the future or now. :D