By Lockedinroom - 05/02/2013 16:18 - United States

Today, after a shower, my dad jokingly asked if I was jacking off in the shower because I was taking a long time. Before I could respond, my mom chimed in with, "No, he does it before he showers, haven't you noticed how he locks himself in his room?" She was right on the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 413
You deserved it 13 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you need to switch things up a bit...


perdix 29

It's great that your folks have so much fun talking about masturbation, maybe you ought to try it. Next time you head up to your room, say, "Mom, Dad, I'm going to spank the weasel now, so could you try to hold it down? Lord knows I'm going to have to use two hands to hold it down! Love ya!"

RedPillSucks 31
perdix 29

#41, no, manual. I think you need to re-read the manual ;) It comes in handy.

YDI for not changing your routine for so long that not only does your mom know but it is at a point where she feels free to talk about it. Guess you weren't fooling anyone when you slipped in the room and clicked the lock on the door.

DeadxManxWalking 27

They always know. You're never as good at hiding it as you may think.

ulissey_fml 22

Well, at least she does not charge you for bathroom "service".

Kids never seem to remember: Your parents were once teenagers too!

sonofsoulreaver 5

Nobody knows you like your mother.

We know everything! You kids think you can do stuff behind our backs but, we know! I grew up in the 1970's, there's not much I haven't seen or done! My kids get away with nothing!

Wow if your parents were any more involved in your masturbation, they'd be lending a helping hand.

I'm not a guy or anything, but I imagine doing it in the shower is much more practical!

#75, what would "or anything" imply if you aren't a guy? I can only come up with "girl"as the only viable alternative. What am I missing?