By Swivel - 07/06/2012 12:17 - Singapore

Today, after a spate of bad ones, I was in another job interview trying my hardest to give a good impression. After answering a few questions, I realized to my horror that while I was talking I was swiveling my chair from left to right like a nervous child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 123
You deserved it 4 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what do you think your strengths are? WHEEE WHEEEEE!

That's their fault. Those damn swivel chairs are a lot of fun.


perdix 29

Maybe it went so well because you hypnotized them with your swaying motion. You should have muttered under your breath, "Stock car...secretary, hot sex."

I enjoy your comments even when I don't agree @perdix

I cannot and will not blame you OP. Those swivel chairs are just too damn fun! Show the interviewer your mad skills on the chair and he/she will probably maybe hire you.

tony1891 22

easy padawan. you haven't got the job yet

Apply to be a swivel chair tester, sounds like you're a natural!

What's with all these job interview FMLs lately? xD

RedPillSucks 31

I'm guessing there's lots of people out of work and they're having bad experiences in their job interviews.

I did that once. In my first interview ever. At the age of 16. xD

RedPillSucks 31

All I can think of is the commercial with the pig on the zip line. Now I'm thinking of the pig in a swivel chair, yelling "WHEEEE!!!! WHEEEEE!!!!"