Love is hell

By WhataStrangeTripThisIs - 19/05/2021 02:00

Today, I found out the love of my life was talking to his ex. She chose to contact me, including screenshots of him begging her to, "Save me from this crazy bitch, she's trying to kill herself," while I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts. I financially supported him through the pandemic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 495
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bound101 7

Backing out due to too much stress is understandable, using a past gf to communicate a break up not so much.

That poor guy his life is about to implode. He's going to go from thinking he's got a shot with 2 women down to 0 in an instant.


bound101 7

Backing out due to too much stress is understandable, using a past gf to communicate a break up not so much.

It is a cruel fact of life that although we may genuinely love and want someone, they may not reciprocate. That’s when you have to let go, mourn what was not to be, and make a new plan.

That poor guy his life is about to implode. He's going to go from thinking he's got a shot with 2 women down to 0 in an instant.

MeganBPD 4

Oh, how I weep the biggest of crocodile tears for this poor soul. Whatever will he do?

Be good to yourself! If he is not good for you, let him go. And be again a STRONG person who was able to be self-supporting throughout the shit show that was the last year. Props to you! From a Mom even if not your mom.