By gamerlaura - 17/07/2016 22:38

Today, after a very harsh argument from my mother about her not seeing her grandchild enough, I decided to vent out my rage in a text to my friend. It wasn't until after I sent the message, that yes, I sent that message to my mom FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 198
You deserved it 7 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know that moms can be frustrating at times, but maybe she's just missing you and using her grandson as an excuse. As people grow older they start to feel more lonely. The best way to solve petty arguments is to communicate with each other.. properly, so maybe that text message isn't such a bad thing.

mariri9206 32

It's not the worst thing in the world. It'll let her know how you (partially) feel and she'll probably try to talk to you about it so you guys be honest with each other and clear the air. You guys can, hopefully, have an open and honest discussion about it and maybe understand each other better.


I think it's very nice how all these posts are saying this will open lines of communication and it help to resolve issues. However having watched this specific dynamic between my wife and her mother I can say that it's very unlikely that these types of relationships will take that text as a step to bettering anything. It's likely just fuel to the fire. I also don't think it's stated clearly enough to say with certainty that Grandma wants to see the grandchild more. In my wife's situation this argument has always been that Grandma makes zero effort to see the grandkids. Just my perspective from my personal situation. I do hope that OP has a better situation and that others are right and they do work it out.

species4872 19

Maybe Grandma doesn't like her grandkids. Ever thought of that?

It's your children. You get to decide who they visit, and how often. Not her.

The only reason she freaked out on me over not seeing her granddaughter enough cause she was too busy flying on holidays, going to England for weekend breaks and driving down to Dublin. My daughter and myself have been at home the entire time while she's been out of the area. Yet of course it's my fault for not going to her house (though how can I if she is never home) lol

I don't really understand these ones. 1. YDI for not checking before sending. and.. 2. It's your child, not hers. You decided to bring a life into this world and dedicate the effort and time into it. Your mother did not. She is not obligated to anything. Just because you think it would be nice, doesn't mean she needs to spend time with your child. I'm sorry, that's just reality. She will be around when she wants to, don't force it.