By Mallory - 27/11/2011 23:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anon - 13/12/2009 07:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/01/2022 08:01 - Belgium - Roeselare
Take your time
By Easy-bake oven - 14/08/2022 14:00
Missed connections
By Anonymous - 05/09/2021 05:01 - United States - San Diego
You tried
By Anonymous - 17/08/2021 05:01 - United States - Gilbert
Long winded way of saying "No chance, mate"
By Anonymous - 18/10/2024 18:00 - United States - Kings Park
Love is hell
By Anonymous - 03/05/2024 17:00 - United States
Broken heart
By Anonymous - 23/06/2021 16:01 - Spain
By :/ - 12/03/2016 11:36 - Australia - North Lakes
By dino317 - 27/02/2010 05:02 - United States
Top comments
Oooh sorry bro
Op is a girl.
Shit someone already made the op is a girl comment.. I accept your thumbs down with open arms!!!
29- He doesn't have a face, or at least one I can see. There's a bigass circle with a slash through it that's in the way.
Hum either OP is a girl or gay, so OP isn't a bro, bro!
Was that a slanderous remark towards homosexuals? Cause if it was I wouldn't care
Todd- "Oh, Samantha. I've already given my sub to Sally." Samantha- "What? Sally?" Sally- "Hi Samantha." Samantha- "How could you?" *Awkward silence, Todd picks up phone* "Todd. This is Todd."
39- what a fantastic joke bro...
126- that's one for the story basket!
Never comment on something before reading all the other comments.
Cool story bro.
I only go on the app for fml so whoever delted the past 10 something comments delete mine too? Would be greatly appriciated and it wont look like i comment the randomest shit.
Uh 70 I think that was what she was trying to do
I hate the word bro so much but not as much as the word moist
What a dick..
Hey now. I'm sure he can explain this.
You should try to ignore him. He's not worth it
OP you deserve much better than that douchebag!!
OP , some guys are like that, they think with their dick not brain. So **** that nigga and move on to a good guy.
How the hell is he "thinking with his dick"? Also, "forget that nigga"? What are you, 12? For all we know, the guy admitted his feelings to OP and she froze or didn't tell him she feels the same. The fact is, they weren't together, he isn't obligated to do anything. What's with all these "the guy is a jerk" comments, sheesh. Use your brain, instead of using the default- he's a guy, therefore must be the asshole in the story.
OP said 'my crush', so she did state she had some feelings for him.
Yeah, but his point was that she could have not said that OP had feelings for the guy.
He found someon else, that happens sometimes
Maybe he ain't worth it
157- Well look at you adding extra "o"s to so and then calling girls overdramatic.
I think my picture looks better...
Yeah apparenty he wasn't thinking about u when he met her...
147- I think your comment sucks.
162, you mad bitch?
6 years is a long time to not go for it...
Wow that sucks. When she breaks up with him and he comes running to you, ignore him :)
On most cases the guy breaks up with the girl
You should have told him you had feelings for him. (I'm just saying this because OP never stated she had feelings for him.)
What does Op mean? I just started, sorry for being a fml noob
Original Poster
Thank you for ending my confusion, I thought it meant other person
I didnt ask because i thought i would sound stupid but i thought it meant either Opposing Person or Other Person. Thank you so much for asking 42, and no your not a noob.
42 you weren't the only one who didn't know what it meant
He doesn't deserve you! Sorry OP. hope you meet someone who will treat you right!
You'd think after six years OP should've or would've said something.. Waiting for him to make a move, she deserves it. Harsh, but truth hurts
OP maybe could've said something, but it says OPs crush admitted to having feelings for her, then he came home and had a girlfriend. That's a dick move. So there's some fault on both sides, but mostly the boy was an asshole.
op never said she admitted she had feelings for him, so he couldve thought that she didnt like im back.
33- OP said she's known him for 6 years, not that she's had a crush on him that long. She could've just started to have feelings for him recently.
7, He isn't obligated to date her because he's admitted an attraction. They're not dating so he owes her nothing, and while you may not like it, he has the right to fall for other people and not have to explain himself to anyone.
So the guy finally developed some courage, and then he met a girl who doesn't sit around and wait for 6 years when she likes someone. OP had a lot of time to prepare for moving on, she should do that now.
As barney from how i met ur mother would say new is ALWAYS better.
Friend zone'd.
Wow! Desperate?
My sister introduced me to a friend of hers at my birthday party; we went on a double date the next weekend. We've been together ever since and are getting married soon. Some people just "click."

What a dick..
Wow that sucks. When she breaks up with him and he comes running to you, ignore him :)