By redjesus69 - 03/02/2010 03:52 - United States

Today, after almost nine months of doing anything and everything to show my love for my girlfriend and make her happy, she told me she would give "anything" to relive the one week of her and her ex's relationship where she was the happiest in her life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 574
You deserved it 3 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it about women today that makes them such total bitches?

Ditch her now. Apparently nothing you can do will ever make her as happy as her ex did. And she'll spend the rest of your life making you feel like crap for it. She evidently lacks any ability to understand how saying such a thing would make you feel. And her lack of empathy indicates a tendency towards sociopathic behaviour. Run, Run now. Run far away, And never look back.


Well you should dump her since shes clearly not over her ex.

angeleyes22 0

well at least she was honest with u not a lot of girls r like that!!!

Sorry to double post but: Ask her if she loves you or likes you. And if she does ask her how could she even say that and show evidence of how you tried to make her happy. Worst thing you could ever do is let her say something like that without trying to find out why she said that.

Let me guess.. you start gamin on this chick when her and her bf are fighting.. play the sensitive friend card.. flirt.. next thing you know she splits bc she doesn’t realize your gamin her and starts dating you… now your surprised she wants to be with her ex who she really still loves and not you.. you’re a jackass! Break up with her bc she obviously is saying it bc she wants you to bc shes too scared too.

Regardless of whether the problem is you or her (or both), after 9 months, it's time to call it quits. This relationship is obviously going nowhere and one of you has to man up and break it off.

Trust me, I know how you feel... My (now) ex sat in front of me one day and sobbed his eyes out, repeating how he'd never be as happy with me (or any of his other girlfriends at the time--btw, I didn't know about them) as he was with this other chick who'd dumped him over six years ago. Talk about drama! So anyway, if she doesn't want you, then just let her go. Maybe she'll wake up and realize how stupid she's been, but it'll be too late by'll have found someone who will appreciate you. I'm happily engaged to the love of my, see? It will work out.

I don't think generalizing here is helpful: obviously, not all men are assholes and not all women are ***** or bitches. I would like to ask, however- one, you're sure this girl was your girlfriend? No offense, but I had somebody act like he was my boyfriend for a year and a half despite the fact that I told him no repeatedly. Second, if you're sure she was your girlfriend, did she seem unhappy? If she did, why didn't you ask? And if you did ask, and provided she told you the truth, why did you stay with someone who wanted to be with somebody other than you for nine months? I understand that maybe you loved her, but it's not good destroying bits and pieces of yourself like that for someone who doesn't reciprocate your feeings. Find someone who you maybe love a little bit less than her, but make sure they love you back. That's my advice.

JackMaundrell 0

I think I'm the exbf.. is her name samantha?

Son, you're doing it wrong. As alpha male, the female must come to YOU. YOU don't please the female.

iamyour_petrock 8