By redjesus69 - 03/02/2010 03:52 - United States

Today, after almost nine months of doing anything and everything to show my love for my girlfriend and make her happy, she told me she would give "anything" to relive the one week of her and her ex's relationship where she was the happiest in her life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 574
You deserved it 3 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it about women today that makes them such total bitches?

Ditch her now. Apparently nothing you can do will ever make her as happy as her ex did. And she'll spend the rest of your life making you feel like crap for it. She evidently lacks any ability to understand how saying such a thing would make you feel. And her lack of empathy indicates a tendency towards sociopathic behaviour. Run, Run now. Run far away, And never look back.


Dude, please tell me you booted her ass to the curb! You should have to SHOW your love to someone. If they truly love you, they don't need material things. Unbelievable!

geezy227 0

that is cold and heartless, move on man

Dude, that's so messed up... I'm sitting here reading this and like I'm feeling so bad for you. I hope u threw her ass out!!!!!

zach1122 0

damn reminds me of my lst really bad relationship. i hope you find better man.

Touche, played like a game of cards =( FYL

chicks hate when you try so hard. it doesn't make them happy. it's just pathetic. you shouldn't have to go out of your way to make her happy, it should come naturally, and if it doesn't then you're not meant to be together. so YDI.

I think you're with the wrong person. First of all, that was a pretty crass remark. Second, if you have to work that hard at a relationship, it's not meant to be. I'm old and have seen this process several times.

heartlessagony 0

OP, why are you still with her?