By Anonymous - 21/01/2013 12:48 - United States - Baltimore

Today, after applying for a job at a tanning salon, I was told they don't hire "naturally tan" people. I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 340
You deserved it 4 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would fight it, I don't think they can do that. But then again they sound really stupid. I don't know if you'd want to work for them anyways...


Axel5238 29

It was a terrible comment, but it is a tanning salon of all places. They places tend to hire people that do tan regularly and give employees discounts in an effort to show off how good their product is. It may seem slightly racist but it is probably just marketing.

Yep, that is illegal all right. According to the law businesses are not allowed to discriminate based on color/race, ethnicity, or gender. SUE!

Uhmm, either racist or extremely stupid

I'm so sorry! I really dislike people who are racist especially against blacks. I am so sorry that happened to you!!! Just shrug it off and find something better. Probably all for the better you didn't get that job anyways. I'm still sorry that happened though!

Dmleonard 5

Legally, a business can refuse to serve or hire anyone for any reason, at least in Kentucky.

I would consult a lawyer about discrimination laws

Pensu 12

That is as racist as it is illegal: very. I doubt you want to work there anyway after that, but I would seriously look into reporting them.