By FMyThroat - 18/01/2013 00:39 - Peru - Lima

Today, after battling for hours to get just a little sleep before my early morning work shift, I finally began drifting off. Then I got the worst attack of hiccups in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 694
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmz1986 10

I'm not sure if OP's username would actually help the situation, but whatever works.


OrangeKnife 10

Maybe scare yourself? Like move your steering wheel like your about to crash, then stop, and go back to driving safely.

Sleeping while driving should scare op enough.

Drink a bottle of nightquil, not for the hiccups though. Just get really high for no particular reason.

I know the feeling, it's happened to me many times! It's always those deep hiccups that actually hurt, too! They're not easy to get rid of so, water won't do it!

I always get hiccups that feel like they're realigning my ribcage. Hiccups are a nightmare.

qirde_15 5

u sure it's real or just a dream? cos sometimes i experience dream that feels real

lilbit91011 6

It is your diaphragm that causes hiccups, not your throat. So f-ing your throat will probably have no effect on the hiccups.

PartyChick55 13

Whenever I get the hiccups, I always get them with heartburn. I just drink a glass of milk and that seems to help. Maybe that could work OP.

Angelrose2004 17

Actually drinking water does help if you drink from the opposite side of the glass (put mouth on farthest side from you and bend over). My 90 year old client taught me that. Works like a charm!

Take a tiny nap in between each hiccup.

I'm sure you'll be fine. This was just a minor hiccup. Don't lose sleep over it. If it keeps happening though, I'd understand if you got tired of it.

If only, counting hiccups was as effective as counting sheep?