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By hiccups - 13/01/2013 06:15 - United States - Canton

Today, after hours of trying to put a screaming baby to sleep, she finally fell asleep in my arms. I was so happy. Then, I got the hiccups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 714
You deserved it 2 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alright teenagers, listen up. Whenever you start acting obnoxious. Just remember that your parents did THIS for you because they love you. Always remember that.

I feel you. I got mine to sleep last night then exploded into a massive coughing fit. Gah.


Korosuhito 26

Hope she fell back to sleep quickly OP.

Nah the baby got pissed off got up from the mom slapped her upside the head then locked herself in the room with drugs and loud music, then the cops had to be called it was a mess.. 2 people ended up getting shot, one is in the hospital with a stab wound.

The **** your life button virtually means the same thing without wasting precious comment space.

You realise there's also a thumbs down button, right? If you think comment space is so precious, just thumb her down and move on. And now I'm part of the problem. Damn you!!

toughchick14 15

You people are sooo mean, I was just trying to show that I care.

alexiskelley18 6

ohhh that's always the worst!

Yeah I can't stand crying babies especially like in a movie or plane.

Plane blows hard, when there are like 4 of them aboard, they cry and wake eachother up. That's my vision off hell, an infinitly long flight, with to little leg room, a crazy sweaty guy next to you and a couple of babies aboard. But why would someone bring a baby to the movies, then you're a sadistic bastard.

In case you haven't noticed, #12, a lot of parents are narcissistic ***** who think that their little darlings are just so cute when they're screaming and running around a restaurant like little Visigoths. And they don't want to be separated from them, so they come to an R-rated movie or a fancy schmancy restaurant. I don't fly much, but the possibility of a screaming child on a plane is why I always bring my iPod with me. As long as they aren't too close, it's not too painful.

I feel you. I got mine to sleep last night then exploded into a massive coughing fit. Gah.

I can only imagine every time you hiccup, the baby jumps in your lap. Good luck OP

Alright teenagers, listen up. Whenever you start acting obnoxious. Just remember that your parents did THIS for you because they love you. Always remember that.

Trisha_aus 15

My mom still did that when I was a teenager.

I would literally take my baby's pacifier to stop myself from crying.

I heard that driving around in your car with the baby might work.

southernbelle_rn 16

Unless she's like my little girl and hates being in the back of the car by herself! A lot of them hate that, especially cause they're backwards and can't tell what's going on.

Car rides worked like a charm for my nieces and nephews. The problem was getting their sleeping bodies from the car to their beds without them waking up again.

TheDrifter 23

I used to just park in the garage (it's temperature controlled), recline my seat, and sleep in the car. It's a much better option than waking the little ones up again. For years, every time they got in the car they fell asleep, worked like a charm for road trips.

tj5810 21

Water for you, car ride for her. Being a parent is hard work. Hang tight, OP.

Aw, colic is the worst. My niece has colic and screams for hours. Try something called gripe water. It sounds silly but it totally works!

southernbelle_rn 16

Yes, it does. She'll like the flavored kind, apple, too.