By creepycrawley247 - 01/05/2013 02:50 - United States - Ellington

Today, after being nearly homeless and couch-hopping for the last few months, I finally signed a 1-year lease. When I got home, I was surprised to see a picture of my new complex on the front page of the newspaper. It turns out that they are fighting a serious bedbug infestation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 288
You deserved it 3 811

Same thing different taste


my_name_is_earl 9
perdix 29

#12, yes, but they are a bunch of free-loading parasites that don't pay rent. Now, the OP gets to see what that's like from the other side :)

TheDrifter 23

Tough crowd this morning. I had both couch dwellers and bedbugs in my old apartment and the bedbugs are easier to get rid of.

AHappyGoth 14

Ugh, bedbugs. Nasty little bloodsuckers. Could be worse; there could be a spider infestation. . .

Spiders are easier to kill. Bedbugs can cost up to thousands of dollars and you don't even know for sure if you've gotten rid of them as they can hide for 18 months without a meal. With a spider you can bug-bomb the house and get them all in one (or two) shot(s). Bed bugs, not so much. @20: If anything of his is moved in to the new place, it's all ready too late. They're probably all ready in his new apartment if it's so serious it made the front page so he'll be infested as well. It doesn't take much to get them and any crack you can fit a credit card through, they can go through. @10: Bedbugs can come from a five star hotel that caters to rich, posh people. They don't care if you're poor or rich. If they like your blood/breath, they will come after you.

AHappyGoth 14

#22, I'm quite aware of how a bedbug infestation works and their behavior; I lived in a heavily infested house as a kid. Not fun. Thanks for the lesson though. But my lame joke was that spiders are just ******* creepy.

You can't fix the problem for the whole apartment complex but with preparation and care you can keep them out of your place.

Don't you do home inspection? Dumbass.

He stated that he was "nearly homeless" a home inspection is kind of expensive, not to mention there is no guarantee that they would find them because they are so small

You can't see bedbugs at a glance, and taking a look at an apartment isn't like the inspection you'd do when purchasing a house.

seniorchang 16

A new apartment AND bed buddies with no strings attached? Lucky bastard.

Well technically he is attached for one year

I think you can get out of the lease for not giving correct information. Since you can say you asked if there were any known problems (such as termites, ect.) and they told you no, they made you unable to make an accurate decision on your place to live. Basically, they lied to you and made you comfortable about their property when they knew these problems existed. I'm sure you might be able to get out of the lease, and if they do not, I hate to say it, threaten to sue. They have to tell you that information if you ask.

You're assuming that OP asked. You're also assuming that the complex manager was aware of the problem and actively hiding it. There's sometimes a lag time between the signing of a lease and the occupant moving in, and it could certainly have been during that period that the problem came to light and was reported. This is why you never sign a lease before you are about to take possession.

skyeyez9 24

We rented a home and soon afterwards, found out it was infested with literally millions of brown recluse spiders. The attic looked like it had a "moving carpet" it was a ******* nightmare. I shut the crawlspace door and put masking tape around the edges to keep them from crawling thru while we repacked our stuff. The spiders tried crawling out that door and got stuck in the tape....there was about 60 of them no there, stuck and still wiggling.

Thanks for fueling my new nightmares.

caysters 12

Id avoid buying any furniture anytime soon...