By izzy54149 - 26/10/2011 00:02 - United States
izzy54149 tells us more.
I really can't buy my own detergent, I can't drive yet. I would walk to the store and buy it there, but all of the roads have no sidewalks and the cars don't stop. I do my own laundry, but have to use the soap, and when it gets on my hands it's like instant rash.
Top comments
Solution: Don't wear clothes :D
Clothes are an obvious Communist plot to control our minds and brainwash us into buying more expensive brands in order to be "fashionable". This message brought to you by Nudist Sector of America Against Communist Kingdoms (NSAACK).
lol~ "We don't need clothes! Winter is a myth invented by the clothing companies!"
That's why you could be a good kid and wash it your self
34- I'm sure a handful of social-workers would love to disagree with you...
Nudism FTW
What makes u think a mom won't notice someone buy a different detergent?
I know a few people who just don't consider doing their own laundry as an option it's rather strange to me, at least. Not saying OP necessarily has this mentality, but your solution is rather simple and should've been OP's first reaction.
I agree! Do your own damn laundry! and cateyes, how would it be wasteful if you're using it?
I think she means wasteful money-wise...
Then she would probably be too young to be on FML
cinn it would be wasteful if they stopped using the old one and their was still a lot of the old soap left
Take some insulation out of your Aric and rub it in your hands until its a powder. Your hands will itch like crazy though. Then sprinkle it in her clean clothes drawer on a regular basis. Shell think she developed the allergicness and buy new soap.
...."Allergicness"? Really?
Quick, call Oxford, we have a new word sighting!
You could use gloves so it wouldn't itch?
Lol, you're welcome. And I meant attic. Not Aric.
Not all insulation, but fiberglass insulation. Handling that shit without gloves is a rookie mistake. I'd strongly advise against it. I've been told by construction workers that if you get it on your body, the best thing is a cold shower. I guess a hot shower opens your pores up which makes it worse.
Listen to your mother
My parents always said mum knows best
Do it yourself?
Doing your own laundry might be an idea, especially if she's not going to reconsider. If that isn't an option, maybe just rinsing your clothes off again with just water would help (might not be a perfect solution, but it should help lessen it).

buy your own and do your own laundry
Solution: Don't wear clothes :D