By sammarli530 - 29/05/2013 16:24 - United States - New Lenox

Today, after calling the insurance plan for my new iPhone a "huge waste of money", I promptly dropped it in the store while trying to put it into my pocket, cracking the screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 777
You deserved it 52 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you never take the chance with an iPhone. You can do that with a Nokia, not iphone


best buy protection plan is well the best. no replacement cost and no contract extension

blackvyper 8

Reason number 1,567,241 for not buying an iphone.

I pay the extra $10 a month (Verizon) just in case. I know the second I cancel it , something will happen. I'm a klutz.

FML_14u2c 14

A less expensive insurance plan: Get an Otterbox Defender. They're like $50, but I've dropped my iPhone 4S dozens of times, without a scratch! I'd rather pay $50 to protect the phone, than $700 to replace it.

This is why you don't support Crapple, ever.

Kristoffer 35

An iPhone is a damn glass sandwich. Not only do you need insurance on it, but you'd better spend about $80 on a protective case for the thing as well.

I keep telling my friends that they make them this 'smashable' on purpose to make a little more money on inevitable repairs. The glass screen reaches the edges for no fathomable reason other than to make it a 360 degree crack point.

caligirllife 11

That was dumb. Honestly. It's easy for iPhones to crack. The entire surrounding of it is made of glass. And it's an expensive phone so getting the insurance for an extra $5 a month isn't a huge waste of money. Now you have to either use a cracked phone or buy a new one for about $500 or $600. That's a huge waste of money