By marquez_jasmine - 21/07/2012 15:08 - Canada - Kingston

Today, after feeling a little down about myself and looking for comfort from my boyfriend, he told me that my stretch marks make me look like a tiger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 481
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why this offends you, tigers are bad ass.

maybe tigers are his favorite animal..?(:


Special_Psycho 8

Tigers are awesome, how is this a bad thing?

Well, I'm pretty sure he means you're grrrreat!

Tigers are at the top of the food chain!!! Lol

The zebras stripes are lacking hues, so they don't compare to you-know-whose. Orange, black, and white is what to wear! It's haute couture, for those who dare! It's camouflage, and stylish, too! Yes, tigers look the best, it's true! ~Hobbes (Copyright Bill Waterson)

Well, even if you're feeling bad, no one likes someone who fishes for compliments.....

saturnsonic 3

I probably shouldnt admit this,but i love stretch marks...

UmWaitWhat 4

You are a tiger, you've earned your stripes. Congrats

My boyfriend told me that a few weeks ago, but he loves tigers :)

sfinsl 3