By lovebigmacs - 06/10/2009 23:32 - United States

Today, I showed my boyfriend the new tattoo of a butterfly that I'd gotten on my lower back. He said, "It looks like it's flying when your rolls jiggle." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 142
You deserved it 41 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting a tramp stamp, and of something as cheesy and overdone as a butterfly. That is all.

It can flap its wings when you're getting it doggy style :D Pretend you're flyingggg. wheeeeeeee Oh wait, you're too fat to fly...


It can flap its wings when you're getting it doggy style :D Pretend you're flyingggg. wheeeeeeee Oh wait, you're too fat to fly...

FYL for getting a tramp stamp....a butterfly much more unoriginal can you get? Shame on you....

I don't think an animated tattoo is unoriginal at all. I mean, come on, how many self-flapping butterfly tramp stamps can you say you've seen in your entire life?

v1kt4r 13

hey she's original, hers looks like it's flying wen her rolls jiggle, tell me you've seen that b4

Umm how fat do you have to be to get rolls on your lower back? Like seriously......

It depends on you body. I have a friend who should lose 10kg to have a normal weight but all her fat is on her butt and hips so she looks thin on her upper body (no breasts, small shoulders though her arms are a little too fat) but she sures have "rolls of fat" on her lower back.

Its not the animated tattoo thats unoriginal, its the butterfly. PS: YDI for getting a tramp stamp.

liveBabylon 0

seriously I thought people had realized that those are not coool! Nor original

ydi_ruuc 0

@45-Fat enough to make your name "lovebigmacs"

this is more of an fml for the artist...

OH GOD #1 I CAN'T BREATH MAN!!!!!! You my good man deserve the internet for that win that is your comment.

YDI for getting a tramp stamp, and of something as cheesy and overdone as a butterfly. That is all.

A tramp stamp is bad enough, but a butterfly? Jeez. Cheap AND unimaginative.

YDI, not for getting a tattoo, but because you thought it was appropriate to get a tramp stamp when you're a fatass.

omg wtf stop saying 'tramp stamp' such gay words... also theres nothing wrong with tattoos and the OP does not nee to be creative its her friggin body aint it? get out of your room once ina a while

LOL #1 but yeah, YDI and FYL that your boyfriend pointed that out

"lovebigmacs"? I think I might have figured out one of the root causes of your problem.

Sun_Kissed18 25

hahaha didn't even notice that untill you said it :P Well thats good, it means the OP realizes her mistakes. Get a salad every now and then, might do you wonders.

I can only hope that the tattoo was of the "butterfly" from the end of the movie A Bug's Life.

Just an FYI: Anyone who calls "FAKE" because "fat girls don't have boyfriends" or whatever BS you wanna say about her being heavy, remember this: my aunt is WAY heavy, and she was that way before her and her husband had ever met. Just remember that, insecure skinny people. Just remember...

WOW!!! You totally know this one fat chick who happened to meet a fat-fetishist. This makes you an expert on the subject so I am completely in awe of your lore and wisdom and am forced to conclude that everything you say on the subject is backed by Jesus.

I bet her husband is fat too & realised he couldn't do any better.

IllegalLight 0

I know a fat girl. She's with a huge guy as well and they're like 25.

RubixMonkey 0

Why is it now decided that fat people aren't worthy of love on the fact that you're shallow. Sure they shouldn't be fat, but (and you will trash this comment in two seconds) that some people like personality more than super skinny shallow bitches?

No they don't. That's just what people tell you to try and not hurt your feelings.

#49 ... just cos we're skinny does NOT mean we're shallow bitches. Judgemental at all? #81, you're right. Bet she's fat.

Who decided tramp stamps were cool? I probably don't understand cause my shirts cover my whole torso.

They'd be cooler if their bearers wore torso-covering shirts, imo.