By marquez_jasmine - 21/07/2012 15:08 - Canada - Kingston

Today, after feeling a little down about myself and looking for comfort from my boyfriend, he told me that my stretch marks make me look like a tiger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 481
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why this offends you, tigers are bad ass.

maybe tigers are his favorite animal..?(:


I have stretch marks on my hips and my exes both said they look like tiger stripes. I didn't take offense to it lol.

So, he's trying make you better. What did you want him to say? That they.didn't exsist? You should've had a little self control in the first place if you new it was gunna bother you so much. Just be grateful he loves you for who you are and stop complaining. Plenty of women would love to have a suppprtive and lovong boyfriend, or one at all for that matter. So, you should really stop complaining before you loose him to someone who might acctually appreciate him.

Self control does not always have a part in stretch marks, if that's what you can't really help them if yer having a bebe...

KattataFish 4

Holy shit Facebook wasn't lying.

Tigers are fears animals take it as a good thing

He's just saying that you look grrrrrrrreat! Having had a kid a year ago, stretch marks suck, but are part of life!

He was just trying to make you smile. I'm sure if he loves you, he loves everything about you. There's no need to feel ashamed about stretch marks, I'm sure you're beautiful to him no matter what and that's all that matters.

That's what you get for looking like a fat tiger.

OoooOoooohhhh. You're boyfriend is supportive and lives you the way you are.... How terrible for you. :(P

kalla21 1

Your body isn't scarred or ugly or disgusting. You are a tigress who earned her stripes!