By chicoallen - 31/08/2011 18:45 - United States

Today, after getting off work from a horrible 16 hour shift, I went out to my truck. My windows were completely covered in window chalk, to the point that I couldn't leave. I had to spend the next hour and a half washing it all off while my manager laughed about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 985
You deserved it 2 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope OP's boss did not chalk him up for taking such a long time

Window chalk is so hard to get off! I feel your pain :/


gyroballer 0

I'd make that retard grab a towel and sponge and wash my whole car

erockinthesuburb 17

Was it your boss that did it? If so, revenge is a dish best served cold...

Actually I prefer my revenge served up cold. When you warm it up it gets all mushy. Anyway, the point my last sentence failed to make is that it would be unwise to take revenge on the person who can fire you especially when there is no evidence he was responsible.

My first thought too was that his boss did it.

I'm wondering if that's considered vandalism (I'm betting it is). Call the cops next time & see how long your jerk boss laughs then.

Richard16 0

Do it to your manager and get yourself a good laugh out of it.

Yes, an excellent plan! Piss off the guy who signs your paychecks, is responsible for your work hours and duties, and can even fire you for defacing his property. Brilliant! Not to mention the fact that OP never says the boss did it.

1) The boss doesn't have to know OP did it nor see him laugh. OP wins. 2) The proposal was to get a laugh out of it, not revenge. OP and #25 win.

ghostland 0

at least your car didn't get broken into. that would be worse

At least they didn't put an alligator in it.

Well at least you didnt left the window open and find some homeless guy ******** in it (fml reference)

...It completely defeats the purpose of referencing an FML when you actually say that's what you're doing. It would have been a lot funnier if you hadn't said (FML reference).

Good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

Well then, its better than some ignorant comment sayin- ahhhhh **** it, you're right i fail.

sman22 1

CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH'll wake up the 1st grader in the trunk.then he'll never wake up on time to finish the rest of your paperworks,i mean homework.