By JohnyP - 09/07/2011 07:04 - United States

Today, after having my car been broken into the day before because I didn't lock it, I made sure I locked my doors. When I got off shift and entered the parking lot, I noticed a brick had been thrown through my windshield and a note that said, "Nice Try". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 495
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awesome, you got a free brick. Just kidding, that does suck op. I suggest you cut your losses and hide your kids, your wife and your husband


PaRtY4lYfE321 0
SpazzyJazzy325 0

hmm I smell dirty bus seats in your future my friend

iloveshh23 2

Now you need to tape a note to your car saying you're on candid camera, it will be like a conversation between you and your assailent! Fyl though

toxic10uhc 0

I LOVE that robber. I would leave him valuable things just for being awesome xD

Next time, hide somewhere in view of your car. The next time the robber comes to break in, come out of the shadows holding a baseball bat and say "nice try". That'll teach him haha.