By JohnyP - 09/07/2011 07:04 - United States

Today, after having my car been broken into the day before because I didn't lock it, I made sure I locked my doors. When I got off shift and entered the parking lot, I noticed a brick had been thrown through my windshield and a note that said, "Nice Try". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 495
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awesome, you got a free brick. Just kidding, that does suck op. I suggest you cut your losses and hide your kids, your wife and your husband


next time I would have put all my valuables OUT of the car wen I locked it ...

allyson2day 0

i call fake, I'v seen this FML before

foreverjoseph 5

must be strong as hell, seeing how hard it is to break a windshield. or this is fake. either one.

I think it's time to involve the cops

I don't believe this. What are you putting in your car that someone wants to rob you twice, especially by putting a brick through your window in a parking lot. No, you made this up.

Why was my comment moderated :( all I said was this fml is probably fake because what moron breaks into the same car twice, and what moron leaves all of his/her valuables in their car...twice.

lol that guy must love u enough to stalk yea:)

iMagzzzy 0

So you leave your car unlocked on purpose?

crispyblack21 3