By Anonymous - 01/09/2013 04:40 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, after I explained to my waitress that I have an allergy to butter, she nonetheless put some on my baked potato. When I had her get me another, without butter, she came back with one and then asked if I would like butter with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 864
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CommonSenseKarma 17

It was probably just a mechanical response. When you deal with customer service it tends to happen.


love_mom2 6
mesahus 5

If you worked for 2.13 a hour for quite a long time, would you not give a damn?

Its okay some people are just stupid. Like when I go to parties, they always offer me food with meat, so I tell them I'm a vegetarian, but then they respond with "we have chicken" like no honey. I don't eat meat.

That's when I'd be walking out without paying.

Candra2234 11

*Stewie Griffin voice* Is she retarded?

We have to ask or we get shit for not asking. Even if we are about to close we have to ask if you want anything else after your meal. She probably felt stupid for asking but us waitresses have to.

Sounds like some waitress is a dumbass

As stupid as she is, I just want to point out that she didn't put the butter on it, the cook did. And depending on how busy it was, she could have probably had five other tables with customers and it all gets mixed up. Although if she was a better waitress, she would remember.