By losing the plot - 08/04/2015 19:36 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, after locking myself out of my house, I let myself into my car to wait on someone with a spare key. It took me 15 minutes to realise the house and car key share the same ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 593
You deserved it 17 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimerneckel 22

Did you also call someone to ask where your phone was?

Steve95401 49

Did you also search madly for your glasses only to realize they were perched on your forehead?


And this is why i use the same key chain for all my keys

usmc_sean 8
A_Little_Girl77 12

Lol perfect! I mean don't we all put our house key on the same keychain as our car key xD

A_Little_Girl77 12

Some dick is "thumbs down"ing everything -_-

I have been there. You are not alone! We are just keeping life interesting, and keeping everyone on their toes! . I told my husband when something similar happened, that it was just a drill. Now if I call, and need something, I have to tell him "this is not a drill!" Lol

I don't understand. If you locked your keys in your house, how did you get into your car?..

anttrinidad960 2

its called a hide away key have ur spare car key n house key