By Anonymous - 08/04/2014 16:07 - Italy - Vigodarzere

Today, after months of being on anti-depression medication and feeling very little emotionally, I finally felt some joy. Sadly it was from completely crushing my husband in an argument he started, where he claimed ketchup is a vegetable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 546
You deserved it 4 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

augiedd 12

Don't listen to the lies they feed you. Ketchup is a vegetable and mustard is a fruit!


strangeite 4

You should talk to your doctor/psychiatrist about trying a new medication. Feeling emotionally numb can be an unfortunate side effect of anti-depressants, but you might be able to find something that helps you without that

PokeysGirl 2

Even though it was later revised; Ronald Reagan did, in fact, declare ketchup a vegetable with the FDA back in 1980.

It is technically it's a liquified vegetable

So basically it was a normal day for you then. Lol

6dandaman5 8

Sounds like you still need help, both of you ...

How does someone get tricked into marring that...

dannnngthatsux 19

Truth be told, according to the ingredients, I think ketchup is a fruit salad.

Could the depression be coming from your husband?