By Anonymous - 28/01/2014 19:43 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after months of random vomiting with no apparent cause, I finally got some tests done. The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and that it's all just in my head. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 712
You deserved it 4 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.


"you're fine. take some painkillers" master that phrase and you're pretty much a qualified doctor.

caligirllife 11

Because physically vomiting is "all in your head" Get a new doctor op

I vomited regularly for years with no explanation. GERD was the closest they could get to a diagnosis. Had my gallbladder removed, which helped for a while, but then it came back worse than ever. Finally had a Nissen wrap done (they wrap your stomach around itself and sew it up); that worked and it's been seven years. Might be worth looking into.

it seems theres alot of doctors saying that these days , if I was you id be getting a second opinion.

That happened to my dad. His shoulders had giant bruises on them out of nowhere and wasn't able to move them. The doctor said "You just want drugs." He went to another doctor. He had two dislocated shoulders.

I used to vomit before every exam in anatomy and physiology.

Created an account just to comment on this: This used to happen to me. It always seemed random, and for awhile I was really worried. I started keeping track of when it happened, and what I ate, and the only constant(other than the puking) was that the next day I'd get my period. Like clockwork. I'd spend all night throwing up, the next morning I'd have my period. I never occurred to me that they might be related until I started keeping track. So if you are a lady, that might be the reason why. Otherwise, just keep a journal of when it happens, and what you ate that day, and see if anything matches up.