By ohfuckwaffles - 29/01/2013 05:28 - United States - Bremerton

Today, after much self-doubt and awkwardness, I learned that I look amazing in a little black dress. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 666
You deserved it 23 433

ohfuckwaffles tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the support, everyone - I have told her, and, while she's definitely not into it, at least she doesn't plan to leave me over it. To those of you wondering whether I'm a transvestite, a crossdresser, a transexual, or transgendered - there are waaay too many of these names, and it's confusing. How about I explain it this way: I'm a girl on the inside, and I'm still attracted to girls (a lesbian, perhaps?). I don't mind my body, and I don't mind wearing men's clothes (heck, it's what I grew up with), but I'd like to see what more is out there... I've been hiding it and ignoring it and thinking I'm wrong for a long time, but my control is obviously slipping.

Top comments

I have to say...I was NOT expecting that ending. I was expecting the FML to end with something about ruining the dress or some sort of self esteem issue. Lol

Just come out wearing it! You never know it may get her excited!


What you could actually be identifying as is a woman... Many have this theory that it isn't attraction to male or female but actually same-sex attraction or opposite sex attraction so because you feel you are a lady inside, you are in fact, actually attracted to a woman making you a lesbian...

I can't even wear a little black dress! I can wear an extra large one....

Congratulations OP. More power to you for having the courage to admit it. All the best.

ABrokenRose 7

A friendly warning the first time you go to shave your legs don't use the same razor as you use on your face. Also shaving cream and patience will be your friends.

sugarbear0727 19

Yay for having a supportive wife. My boyfriend likes wearing thongs and such. And he wants to cross dress for me. It was definitely odd,but I'm open to it. I love him, and he loves me, so I support him in whatever he wants to do. Even if it involves us sharing panties.

Wait why were u in a little black dress in the first place?

Good for you OP! As someone that is no stranger to the joys and excitement of cross-dressing, I'll bet you rocked that little black dress! Beware of some of the stores that cater to the cross dresser. Some can be quite expensive, especially on shoes for some reason. I got all my clothes in womens department stores or mail order catalogs. I got a lot of lovely dresses and shoes from JC Penneys clearance catalog. I love a good bargain. good luck to ya!

I was going to ask if you were a woman, but then realized that you would not be posting on here if you were.

Catto-Golden 23

Okay, you're obviously a closeted trans girl according to your comment. You need to get out of that closet, kid.