By ohfuckwaffles - 29/01/2013 05:28 - United States - Bremerton

Today, after much self-doubt and awkwardness, I learned that I look amazing in a little black dress. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 666
You deserved it 23 433

ohfuckwaffles tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the support, everyone - I have told her, and, while she's definitely not into it, at least she doesn't plan to leave me over it. To those of you wondering whether I'm a transvestite, a crossdresser, a transexual, or transgendered - there are waaay too many of these names, and it's confusing. How about I explain it this way: I'm a girl on the inside, and I'm still attracted to girls (a lesbian, perhaps?). I don't mind my body, and I don't mind wearing men's clothes (heck, it's what I grew up with), but I'd like to see what more is out there... I've been hiding it and ignoring it and thinking I'm wrong for a long time, but my control is obviously slipping.

Top comments

I have to say...I was NOT expecting that ending. I was expecting the FML to end with something about ruining the dress or some sort of self esteem issue. Lol

Just come out wearing it! You never know it may get her excited!


when u say wife you mean a cross dresser to?

Ru sure you really look amazing to other people not just to yourself

May I suggest For kinxters like me and you

It shouldn't matter what people wear, just who they are inside :)

Lady_Bee_fml 13

My boyfriend tried on my silky black slip once to make me laugh. I thought he looked awesome in it... It's already been said a million times, but good luck OP, I'm sure your wife will come to see that there's nothing wrong or weird about it once she gets used to it. You should be able to completely be yourself around her more than anyone. I hope you figure it all out. :)

JadeWinter 16

I love this fml!! You go, boy ;)

Good for you. Everyone is different, and it's scientifically proven that many times in utero people's brains or bodies flood with the wrong set of hormones which can cause them to physically be a male while having a brain wired more similar to a female, and vice versa. I think in order for anyone to be completely content and happy in life they need to be real, and do what feels right to them. Regardless of what society or anyone else thinks. I bet holding this in for such a long time has caused you to experience depression, anxiety or overall resentment or anger. Now that you've lifted this weight off of yourself I wish you the best of luck. To each his own, no person has any right to play God or pass judgment on others. I dunno guess I've just worked with way too many patients in the mental health field that hold so much of their true selves in and is the root cause of a lot of people's problems.

Once you go gay, your shoes match your bag.

You need matching shoes and stockings to go with it!

Do what you want, wear what you want, be who you want. Life is short; do what makes you happy. Good luck!