By Midnightpearls - 02/11/2012 15:39 - United States

Today, after nearly a year of headaches and fuzzy vision, I went to the eye doctor. It turns out I've had my contacts in the wrong eyes for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 764
You deserved it 38 289

Midnightpearls tells us more.

TO ALL YOU PEOPLE ASKING WHY I WAITED: I'm at college and I still depend on my parents' income. I basically get one eye doctor visit a year because it's what we can afford. Alright, people?

Top comments

zingline89 18

I had a similar problem, but with my car. After years of constant accidents and high insurance premiums, I realized I've been driving in reverse the whole time.


holyshitbatman 20

I'm not gonna lie. i totally voted YDI for being a NEVER occurred to you they were in the wrong eyes when your vision didn't get better?!

KiddNYC1O 20

Dick move. Any permanent damage?

This is fake because I used to wear contacts and if they were in the wrong eye they would automatically sting and make my eye hurt.

You waited a year!? Wouldn't you have noticed fuzzy vision right away? Most optometrists will give you a trial pair of lenses and check back in a week or so for free to verify that brand/prescription is working for you and want to order that kind.

olpally 32

Eyem even surprised you didn't permanently damage your vision...

yenidewi 11
slickchrome 11

How is that even possible. U should be 100% blind

Twisted_Angel 17

my problem with this, is that you didn't figure it out on your own. when I got my contacts, luckily both my eyes are the same, but she pointed out that some people do require two different prescriptions. did your eye doctor not go over this with you? and how do you not double check the prescription to make sure you had them in the right eye? after a year I know you had to have changed those suckers more than a few times... you kinda deserved it. There's no reason you couldn't have figured this out on your own if you'd been paying attention. maybe you should go back to glasses. dumb ass.

Try having one clear and one tinted pale blue. My prescription is very close so this helps me tell them apart