By moosy0_o - 07/04/2013 19:22 - Netherlands - Berlicum

Today, after paying for my groceries, I noticed that a bread-roll hadn't been charged. I felt guilty and went back to the register to pay for it. The cashier burst into derisive laughter and mockingly asked me if I was "running for Pope or something". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 062
You deserved it 8 487

moosy0_o tells us more.

OP here. A few comments: the cashier was a guy, not a girl. I don't know why most of you think that. Also, there were two elderly people waiting in line who were laughing and berating me as some of the commenters here are doing. And I'm a woman from Belgium, not the Netherlands (but FML didn't ask for my country when I posted it). I WAS already out of the store and going home when I noticed it, so I needed to go back into the store, wait for a slow customer to pay while the rest of the cue was wondering why I was standing there like a complete idiot, and then explain to the cashier why I wanted to pay for the bread. By the way, the freshly baked, honestly-payed-for, Italian bun was delicious, after I had cleansed my palate from the disgusting comments I received.

Top comments

Whilst I admit that I wouldn't have gone back myself if it was just a bread roll from a chain store, I don't understand why you're getting shit for doing so. It's pretty depressing that people actually mock you for trying to be nice. Ignore them; you did a good thing.

VentiAnemoi 20

Don't be sad! At least you tried to do the right thing. Good for you!


much respect OP, sorry for the assholes.

What an asshole, when you were trying to save him from getting in trouble!

Comment seemed unnecessary but at least you were honest...still I would have checked the receipt so make sure it was on there

lovedbynoone 22

Good for you, OP! Thumbs up for your honesty.

Good for you, this world needs more people like you!

My mom walked out of Safeway with a 79 cent paper under her arm and had to go back to pay for it. I bug her to this day how Safeway would have gone bankrupt without that 79 cents but my mom is the most honest person you'll meet!

I drove all the way back to a store to return a thing of cokes because I accidentally told them I had one less and they trusted me. no one laughed at me and I have no idea why anyone is laughing at this who gives a damn she was just doing the right thing? people are idiots

I have a coworker who told me it's irritating when I tell her thank you or excuse me or am polite to her in any way shape or form so I totally get it. When she made me cry one of my work buddies said "you'd be a **** too if no one loved you" so just imagine how awful that guys childhood must have been. Full of dishonest jerks who never gave him any moral code to live by. You did an excellent thing and guilt is just a reminder that you're better than your mistakes. To ignore it would be to put yourself down and would be a disservice to yourself. Always do what you feel is right and you show yourself honor and respect. Good for you.

Food for you, OP! I have returned to the store twice to pay for things once I realized they were forgotten. The first time was for a child's toothbrush that I realized I didn't scan (we have self check-outs in several of our stores). I went back in to the self check-out and did it myself, so no one knew. The second time, I had several 12 packs of soda under my cart. I realized as I was walking out of the store that the cashier forgot to ring them up, so I turned around and went to the customer service desk. After I explained that I just needed to pay for them, the cashier laughed at me and remarked that I should have just left. I told her that I would never intentionally take something without paying. She laughed as well. You did the right thing!