By LukeSkywalker - 23/12/2011 16:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Chewy - 05/01/2010 10:45 - United Kingdom
By womanlover12345 - 18/07/2011 16:05 - Spain
By Badam - 30/03/2013 01:29 - France - Geaune
By Oraashi - 26/06/2012 17:18 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-trent
Magic moments
By youmakemesick - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 07/07/2009 23:04 - United States
Explain yourself!
By Anonymous - 26/09/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom - Tamworth
That's nice
By Anonymous - 04/06/2021 18:01 - United States - Angier
By JackOLantern - 13/07/2009 20:16 - Satellite Provider
By neverdatingagain - 27/11/2016 22:07 - United States - Lake Oswego
Top comments
At least it's not no

exactly. dont ever expect too much out of females
^ wow you're gonna get 100 thumbs down for that comment
Nyah, im pretty sure guys will even that out
Ohh no he di'int!
"Girlfriend, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish him? In sickness and in health? For better or for worse? Until death do you part?" "I do." OP, Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish her? In sickness and in health? For better or for worse? Until death do you part?" "Eh, why not."
perhaps the quarter of a carat diamond was too small for the "HELLZ YEAH!" he was expecting
Luke Skywalker should stick to fighting in galactic civil wars instead of writing speeches.
Blue ghost Vader: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Luke, go back to figting galactic civil wars instead of writing speeches, THEN WE'LL RULE THE GALAXY AS FATHER AND SON!!!!
I think that's better than a no. *forever alone*
At least girls don't have to ask guys... how embarrassing.
7- are you ******* crazy? You sound insane right now.
84- I think it is so sweet when a girl proposes to a guy. And it's a million times sweeter to see him say "yes" with confidence and love behind it. It wouldn't be embarrassing. Guy-proposes-to-girl is another one of those things that a man "should have to do". I don't think so. If a woman wants to propose to a man, more power to her!
Always keeping it positive, right? lmao.
Loving OP's name by the way!
You might regret later if you dont consider breaking up when you have time.... She doesnt seem to be interested.. :(
I agree 159.... It might as we'll be a no.. Doesn't sound like she's all that stoked.
I concur. At least it wasn't a no.
All people doesn't see the value of marriage. I wouldn't mind getting married, but i dob't think it's such a big deal.
Well, she's um....not really that emotional
Mabye getting a pre-nup wouldn't be a bad idea. You know what's hers is hers and whats your's is your's... Unless she makes more than you, then don't do it
lol, so they can be in a dead end marriage for the rest of there lives... that is, until the divorce. lmao.
Maybe she's a backwards Canadian? lmao.
Im Canadian.. But hey, Thats pretty funny. xDD
@157 lol Canada only there to go skiing :)
Like when canada went on strike for more money but instead we gave them bennigans coupons and bubble gum
Knowing my own standard answer to everything my bf proposes (e.g. what to eat for dinner), I'd probably go 'Sure.'
Should've been like, "Eh, jus kiddin."
no, it works for girls too. trust me. especially younger ones. *trollface*
What if she's Jewish? Kosher bacon, bitches. lmao.
YESSS! Bacon strips and bacon strips and back strips!!!!
Well, it's official! 8 has won.
Watch out we got a badass over here.
I'd take it
Coz ur fat that's why
Ass hole alert ^^^
danny128 is an illiterate fat bastard himself.
Eh, at least you tried. Sorry OP. hopefully she was just joking around with you.
At least she said "yes", technically.

At least it's not no
Take that as a yes and marry her before she has time to reconsider.