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Magic moments

By youmakemesick - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of four years. Her response? First, she threw up all over me, then she started crying hysterically. I'll take that as a no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 019
You deserved it 2 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't girls usually cry when they get really happy? Maybe puking and crying are her ways of saying yes. Odd creatures these females are.

first, why did she throw up? second technically that wasnt a 'no'. maybe you just caught her on a bad day...bad timing??


yeah... OP should have taken a leaf out of this guy's book: Today, my boyfriend asked me to marry him by handing me a ring and telling me, "Okay we're engaged now." I should have seen it coming when we started dating, I went to his house one night and as I was leaving he said, "Okay you're my girlfriend now." FML

this sounds odd but she could of been so overwhelmed with love and emotion that she threw up and cryer tears I'm optimistic lol

first, why did she throw up? second technically that wasnt a 'no'. maybe you just caught her on a bad day...bad timing??

imeverywhere 0

hm... mabye this is what she was thinking. "Today, my boyfirend finnaly proposed to me. Unfortunatly I got so nervous i threw up all over him. I then started crying hysterically, knowing i had ruined the moment i had always wanted." probably not cuz she didnt want him. but if this is the case she cracks underpressure way to easy.

#62 My thoughts exactly. She threw up due to the stress the proposal caused. Avoid wives like that, man!

She was probably too overwhelmed with the proposal.. don't be disheartened... She didn't "actually" say no.. Cheer up.. :) propose again and see what your chances are... Good luck

I'd talk to her about it, sounds like a stress response. Maybe she had been worried about you asking her for a while? worried you would ask? worried you wouldn't? and maybe she figured out what you were doing before you asked and got nervous which made her throw up? The crying hysterically might have been embarassment for throwing up or for another reason. Maybe she had thsi whole moment built up in her mind and wanted it to be perfect which made her nervous and the crying could be because she thought she ruined it. you never know unless you talk about it. If she hasnt actually said no then you'll never know. if you havent talked with her or dumped because of this then you probably shouldnt be married anyway if this is all it takes.

flockz 19

your comment was exactly what i was thinking of except way more detailed lol

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't girls usually cry when they get really happy? Maybe puking and crying are her ways of saying yes. Odd creatures these females are.

Gemma_Mansonite 20

I once said "birds are awesome" when I got called beautiful. Some of us are very weird (then again, so are some guys), but a lot of girls I know are normal. Quite a few of us are, as you said, odd creatures :D

SaltyCheeseFry 4

baby_gurl2405 0

Hey that wasn't exactly a full out 'NO' it could have just been like overwhelming happiness, well either that or she was feeling sick and then the shock of getting proposed too was just too much for her stomach.

So overwhelming she just had to cover him with it, overwhelmed right out of her mouth...