By fuckbio - 12/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, after pulling an all-nighter for my Bio final at 8AM and drinking 6 sodas, 3 energy drinks, and coffee throughout the night, an hour into the exam, I had to go to the restroom, so I get permission and go. I'm 1 of 3 people. They later find a cheat sheet in the restroom. Now I'm a suspect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 048
You deserved it 4 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YayAmerica 0

This is why I never leave during tests. Too paranoid.

Tell them if it was you you would have been smart enough to flush the cheat sheet.


I never understood people jacking themselves up on caffeine drinks or pills before an important final. Wouldn't you wanna be fresh and well slept? YDI

If you haven't studied beforehand, it's better for your grade to study all night than to get tons of sleep without knowing the material. And when you actually care about making good grades in college + go to a reasonably difficult school, it's kind of hard to get a good night's sleep when you are freaked out about a bio test. Might as well study if you're not going to be able to rest. Before my molecular bio tests if I had time to sleep, I'd just toss and turn and have nightmares about the test. Not worth it.

palmtrees 1

I was a biochem major at a very difficult university and I still made sure to sleep at least some before my exams... it's really not all that difficult a concept. ETA: meant to be a reply to #18

The OP is lucky he didn't give himself a heart attack from all that caffeine. Caffeine increases blood pressure, and over an extended period of time can raise the heart rate to dangerous levels. OP, FYL for not learning proper study habits. Study for an hour or so at a time and take breaks in between each session. Get to bed at a reasonable hour. A full night's sleep has been proven to help your memory. Sleep deprivation combined with all that sugar and caffeine can really mess with your brain. Cramming is NEVER a good idea. Sure, you may have everything memorized after pulling an all-nighter, but you'll be sleepy and your mind will be fuzzy, so chances are you'll royally **** up on your exam anyways. Better to study, get some sleep, then review the material one last time before you test. Trust me, it works. I'm pulling a 94% average or better in all my classes, and I always use those study methods before an exam. I pulled two all-nighters before back in high school, and guess what? I failed both exams. Miserably. I went back to my old methods of studying with a few breaks, a 7 hour sleep cycle, and a brief refresher study session before the exam, and I aced the following exams. As for the cheat sheet situation. Just explain yourself. Say that you went to use the facilities, and didn't even know there was a cheat sheet in the restroom. If they have no evidence against you, they can't do anything. And if they do, take it up with your dean or principal and explain the situation again.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

why do some people have to turn simple FML's into "let me show off my life knowledge!"?

Oh please forgive me, Oh Great One, I did not realize this broke your sacred laws! -______________-

Perhaps I should try those methods too... thank you. =)

lol reminds me in high school. if u had to use the bathroom a teacher was required to walk in there with you. talk about awkwardness

Study harder and better. You shouldn't have drunk all that crap either.

YDI. Learn to manage your time properly and don't stay up all night studying for an exam. You won't remember very much.

capthavoc123 0

Pulling an all-nighter is retarded. I guarantee everyone reading this that anyone who pulls all-nighters was ******* off during the day and wasting time. You're a whole lot more likely to do well on tests if you study in twenty- to thirty-minute periods over the course of the day and get a good night's sleep instead of cramming for hours at a time.

boysRdumb 0

Lol. FYL for taking bio haha. Just kidding. But no, that seriously sucks.

WorkThatButt 2

If your afraid that you will oversleep just do what I do which is.. 1. Study before the exam by atleast 3 days. 2. Get a loud alarm clock, set it a few hours before the exam to revise the material, place the alarm somewhere else in your room that's far from your bed so you don't just turn it off the second it rings. 3. Keep revising until you enter the exam hall.

dvd175 5

u forgot to include "Set your phone alarm a few minutes after your alarm clock in case you mess up AM and PM" xP