By boogery - 26/01/2015 19:17 - United States

Today, after putting a bag of dirty laundry in the laundry room to wait for an open washer, I came back to find a "free stuff" sign on all of my expensive jeans, new towels, and favorite sweatshirts. The bag was over half empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 689
You deserved it 13 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't leave your stuff in the laundry room, that's like rule number one. It's a hard lesson, but I bet you won't make that mistake again.


Totally deserved it. I don't even leave the book I'm reading and my coffee unattended at Starbucks.

Who leaves anything unattended nowadays. YDI.

Sorry about that, we just can't trust people like we used to.

sammieshortcake 15

That happened to my Mom when I was little, sort of. She put all our things in the dryer then walked across the street to get me from school and came back to this lady taking all our clothes, even my Dads underwear. lol

concend_blk_guy 8

That's the rules of the laundromat op, if u leave your stuff it's free pickings, especially if they're in a machine that had finished its cycle. Why wait for you if you won't even wait yourself. YDI

A bit of advice: everybody is untrustworthy until you know them well and feel sure that you can trust them. :-D

snarkytruth 37

If they are that rotten its doubtful telling them off will accomplish anything.

hbs11476 9

It's your fault for leaving your stuff.

Sorry to pile on, but really, you shouldn't have left your stuff out like that. I even set a timer so I can get to the laundry room shortly before or when the cycle will finish so I can get my stuff out of the machines in a timely fashion.

Oh no, I guess lessons are learnt the hard way!