By Username - 15/09/2010 18:02 - France

Today, after telling me his other girlfriend is pregnant, my boyfriend said we should stay together so I could help out with the baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 4 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kick him in the balls and tell him to get lost

When exactly did his brain cease to function, darling?


ZomgWeAreClubKid 0

Well he's a keeper lol, Jerry Springer much? He doesn't have any balls that's just called being a complete dumbass. You'd be better off without him op.

OP, you should get yourself checked out. It sounds to me like you were well aware of his "other girlfriend" and seemed to not have a problem with it. YDI for the following reasons: (1) being aware of his other gf, (2) you being the other girl (3) for being a hussy! Sorry but this post repulsed me. You never mentioned he cheated on you and that's how you found out, which lead me to my conclusion.

cyaneyedangel 2

where does it say she doesn't have a problem with him having another girlfriend? I think the emphasis of this fml is on the fact that whilst together, he got another girl pregnant and is seemingly unrepentant

Wow, seriously? The only reason OP would put this up is obviously because she's upset about it. Seriously people, every single FML on this site that has to do with cheating, there's always those people that say YDI because of some stupid reason. How could OP possibly be okay with her situation? Jeeziz man.

Directly stating "he cheated on me with her" would be redundant, IMO, and possibly a bit condescending. It's quite apparently implied by the nature and context of the post. Why are some girls so quick to judge others harshly on this stuff? =

Little_Lamb_fml 13
8Goldenflowers 0
LifeSucks102 0

Either he's got balls of steel, or he's just a ******* idiot. **** that noise and **** helping him with the baby. Dump his ass immediately.

wooowwwwwwww!!! thats crazy!! I hope that you said "no".. what did he except anyways? that you were gonna say " yes ill help you with your baby, i'll buy his huggies for you, i'll wipe his little ass for you, i'll buy his little toys for you, i'll buy his food for you, i'll wake up in the middle of the night when he cries for you, i'll do everything I can do just like if it wasn't your other girlfriend's baby....."

blahzz 4

Well I think someone's gonna get their dick chopped off tonight right OP? ;)

MetalFish 0

He means 'Hell', but iPod's are atheist so therefore will not type 'Hell'