By clitty clitty bang bang - 13/04/2012 22:40 - United States - Brownsville

Today, after two years of vigorously fundraising on behalf of my senior class, they voted on spending the senior trip money at a waterpark. It's less than thirty minutes from where we all live. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 923
You deserved it 2 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh well, go to the water park and enjoy the shit out of it!

CozzySwag 2

At least you get to see hot girls in bikinis


Take the money back and keep it for yourself

Mine chose a four hour boat ride around the Annapolis Harbor over being at Dave and Busters all night. I think it's stupid how the majority of them chose a second prom basically over free games and food.

so what? you can save money on travel and spend more on activities! at the end of the day, you did a lot of work and you may be under appreciated, but accept the majority vote and make the best of it.

What's a senior class trip? We never even had the option of one. O.o