By kl - 26/10/2009 06:15 - Canada

Today, after waiting a couple weeks, I finally slept with this guy I really like. It went like this: 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 156
You deserved it 4 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that was the sex you were talking about or how long it really was before you put out?

Wow, a whole couple weeks? You must have the patience of a saint.


was that how long he let you do it, or was it that long until he came?

SIGHHHHH....that sucks!! That was faster than my, former partner, 2 min man :D!!! Maybe he was super excited and haven't blown of some steam in a loooong while. It happens. Maybe he will be better the second time (crossing my fingers for U)?? But u need to get some too! Sharing is caring baby! ;)

wtf I can't even put a condom on in 3 seconds. your a ******* liar and are going to hell.

kristidgranger 3

well first I don't see how you can "really like" someone after just a few weeks and then to hop in bed with him that fast well don't expect much either

I don't blame him. Mississippi is HOT. I'm not sure I could handle the one, nonetheless THREE of them!

that's why you wait for marriage, *****.

pennypendolyn 0

Asswipe she isn't a ***** because she didn't wait for marriage. And 'saving yourself for marriage' is freaking reatarted.

jchansfan 0

Oh poor you... who cares? lol You sound really prissy making an FML out of him not lasting long enough. HE TRIED HIS BEST! D:

GodsOfWrath 0

YEAH, BOO HOO. He's known you for two weeks and he's probably attracted to you. Unless you guys were making ****, I'd say that's pretty normal for the first time.. and you should be flattered. Now you can go twist one off in the bathroom and hopefully he gets in 4 mississippi's next time!

give me a call we would be at 100000 mississippis and counting :)

GodsOfWrath 0

How about you work on your grammer before you go offering random girls all those mississippi's!!

it's grammar, not grammer, mister know-it-all.