By workworkwork - 26/11/2011 01:37 - United States

Today, after working for over ten years at a dead-end factory line, I told my friends I was going to take some business courses and land myself a real job. All they've done since is laugh, mock me, and say that if Clinton couldn't fix the economy, I have no chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 536
You deserved it 3 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Except that when Clinton was president, the economy was at one of it's best points in the nation's history.

may651 14

Poor Op. I would be a better friend than them. YOU CAN DO IT!!


The pursuit of happiness.. This part of my life is called happiness

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

Sorry OP but real friends don't dis each others dreams I hope u do land ur career and prove their ass wrong

Tell them to remember this day when you drive off on your solid gold moped, while they still only have rusty bicycles.

mynameispickle 0

Aww im sorry:( you shouldn't give up!!

I feel like OP is one of those people that constantly talks about going back to school and bettering their life, but then never actually acts on those plans. That's the only way that it would make sense to me for his/her friends to laugh about it.

I get the feeling that you assumed too much about someone you don't know.

take that as your motivation to prove them wrong :)

Dont Mind them. All they want is to bring you down and tied to this dead end job. They don't want you to do better because they want you to be the same as THEM; working the same dead-end job til the end of time. If you feel like you can better yourself, do it. Don't mind the negativity, yo! Use it as motivation.

Steve95401 49

OP has a "real Job" already. A college degree doesn't guarantee anything anymore.

FYLDeep 25

It might not get you in the party, but it will at least open the front door.

hateevryone 14

you need friends that will support you.