By Anonymous - 24/09/2009 02:01 - United States

Today, an injured guest stopped at the front desk of the hotel and raved about my kindness and 'commitment to customer service'. He told my boss about how I'd gone to the ice machine and personally delivered a bag of ice for his injured knee. Guess who got written up for leaving the front desk? FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 050
You deserved it 2 584

dragonlady1406 tells us more.

dragonlady1406 0

For the record I work Night Audit, it was 5:50am. The poor man requested a 6:45am wake up call so he could attend his conference. There was no one else available to help the guest. During training two months ago I'd been told 'Customer Service' was 'everything'. Strangely I thought I was doing the right thing. Especially considering one of my official duties is to leave the desk to deliver folio's (bill's) to be placed under the doors of departing guests. As for the 'grammar police' I said 'a injured guest' rather than 'an injured guest' to indicate an individual person, rather than imply I had multiple injured people staying at the hotel were I work.

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Sorry, but "an injured guest" is correct grammar and is singular referring to one person. Helping "injured guests" would be referring to multiples. The rule is to use "an" if the next word has a vowel at the beginning such as "injured." It has nothing to do with singular and plural tenses. Therefore, it would be "an injured guest", "an ice cream cone", "an original idea", etc. whereas "a" would be used for words that start with a consonant like "a party", "a tree", etc.

In these cases, I would have told management that it would have looked horrible as the face of the hotel, not to help it's attendants. In my years of costumer service, people always come first is what I've been taught. You did a good thing, no matter what anyone says.


jackalope104 0

That sounds like something my work would do. FYL

u shouldve just did ur job.. ydi.. if ur playing soccer ur not gonna come out dressed for hockey.

or this can be a fyl: good deeds nevergo unpunished

People still live in Michigan? Well, last one out, turn off the lights.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Don't worry, I heard the Michiganians are becoming extinct. The cause seems to be leaving their desks at work, therefore their boss eats them, or "writes them up", as they say.

Lol. You're really funny. You should comment more! MOAR!!!1! Soon, the one guy left in MI will be a fat boss.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

For you, Toxi, I shall comment more! Too bad for that fat boss that's left standing. He'll have to resort to living off the ice in the ice machine! Oh...wait..

nicole4rmmi 0

um I'm from Michigan. and there in fact several people still here. at least ten.

I know that Michigan has a decent couple college football teams... so judging from the people we know, the population of Michigan is 50. close enough.

IzabellaBlack 0

lolol. never heard that one before!

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shezzamezza 0

the injured guest didn't get written up... she did

turtlesFTW 5

they were being sarcastic...

Shakato 3

I hate you, just thought you should know that

Yes. To clear it up for those of you that don't know the rule (like the poster): "a" and "an" are used depending on the first letter of the next word. It has nothing to do with singular (one) and plural (many) tense. The rule is to use "an" if the next word has a vowel at the beginning such as "injured." It has nothing to do with singular and plural tenses. Therefore, it would be "an injured guest", "an ice cream cone", "an original idea", etc. whereas "a" would be used for words that start with a consonant like "a party", "a tree", etc.

Ouuuuchhhh. Seriously. Life is full of surprises.

Joecrook 0

Things like this support all reasons not to give a crap about anyone else. You do something so simple and kind, and you pay for it. I can just see what would happen if someone fell in front of the desk, "I'm sorry ma'am I can't leave my desk, but I can call 911. They will be with you in a few moments".

RubixMonkey 0

You could have gotten someone else to get the ice to him.

This kind of nonsense is what turns good employees into jobsworths.

In these cases, I would have told management that it would have looked horrible as the face of the hotel, not to help it's attendants. In my years of costumer service, people always come first is what I've been taught. You did a good thing, no matter what anyone says.