By you+me-clothes=53>< - 19/11/2013 17:13 - Austria - Vienna

By you+me-clothes=53>< - 19/11/2013 17:13 - Austria - Vienna
By Kayt - 03/10/2011 04:38 - United States
By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 22:46 - United States
By Juliett - 29/08/2019 19:00 - United States - Wisconsin Rapids
By darthmilfious - 31/03/2010 07:56 - France
By Highnapple - 04/03/2015 07:55 - Canada - Sarnia
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 05:19 - United States
By apparently inexperienced - 11/09/2012 16:54 - United States - Brockton
By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States
By Embarrassed - 04/02/2011 00:28
how does a math problem make you ******...?
My ex used to talk nerdy to me to get me in the mood. Anything from Chemistry to Physics to software to videogames.
Get this to 69 likes!!!
I present you the final like for the target: 69!
Doesn't mather, had sex
Since she was trying to figure it out for a week, I would assume it was the excitement of finally figuring it out. That plus the pleasure going on down there equals ******.
#20 FAR FAR FAR too much information!
Because math is great to some of us
Like if you understood perdix's reference to Drake's ridiculous lyric.
#46 is now on -69 likes.
There's sex in numbers, and numbers in sex.
#20 - how about Klingon?
Math phone sex: can you solve me now?
But after that did they add up the x and y?
#72 - I now understand and appreciate your joke. I'm sorry I thumbed you down.
you figured out how to solve your ****** problem. if it was a problem.
Okay then.
that was the best, most creative comment I've ever seen *slow clap*
#26 Then you should see my creative comments. They include these timeless classics: "Lol." "Hahaha." "YDI" "thats a shitty situation" "First!" and the best of the best "He's a keeper!"
you forgot my personal favorite - "dump him/her"
Aren't we all forgetting: "Sue that asshole!"
Don't forget "I hope you mean Ex...".
And of course, the ever-popular "that sucks"
Whatever it takes to make it work ;)
must have been a hard equation.
You would be surprised how many people get turned on by nerdy things tbh...
That negative number under the radical sign turns me on. Oh yeah, you naughty number. You're not supposed to be there but you are. You are just a sexy little number. It's like you're not even real.
totally read that it peter griffins voice, Idk if that was intended or not though, and the giggity after kinda topped it off haha.
Actually, to add my 2c, it's very possible that letting your mind wander caused you to ******, not solving the math problem. Orgasms can kind of be like watching a pot boil. Concentrating on 'Can I feel it yet? How 'bout now? ... Now?' can distract you.
Was just about to leave this exact same comment. Concentrating too hard on sex can often have the opposite effect to what you intend. Letting your mind wander a bit is actually more helpful than overthinking it, especially in that position where I find it's easy to feel self conscious and worry that you're not enjoying it enough/haven't come yet, etc. Not thinking about it can calm you and relax you enough that you're able to ******.
#10, you hear messages that you read on the Internet?
#58, you take everything you read on the internet literally?
It's possible! Ever heard of text-to-speech #58?
I see that he satisfied the equation.
how does a math problem make you ******...?