By TicketMePink - 20/05/2016 05:57 - United States

Today, an officer ticketed me for texting while driving. Apparently, getting dumped costs $180. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 420
You deserved it 21 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because it's a breakup text doesn't mean it's a freebie.

I mean, either way you shouldn't have been texting.


You're an absolute idiot for thinking that everyone does that. Texting isn't that important and really dangerous&selfish when driving. If you do think a text is important, pull over to read/respond. People should realize that they're not incapable of getting into an accident and should remember that they're not the only ones on the road.

You're an absolute idiot for thinking that everyone does that. Texting isn't that important and really dangerous&selfish when driving. If you do think a text is important, pull over to read/respond. People should realize that they're not incapable of getting into an accident and should remember that they're not the only ones on the road.

You're an absolute idiot for thinking that everyone does that. Texting isn't that important and really dangerous&selfish when driving. If you do think a text is important, pull over to read/respond. People should realize that they're not incapable of getting into an accident and should remember that they're not the only ones on the road.

Better than the breakup costing the lives of other drivers when you crash into them.

Lucky you're not in Canada, it's $500 for texting and driving.

You're an idiot for texting and driving. It's not fyl, it's f everyone's lives you could have ruined from hitting them.

FYL? No. You knew the consequences for texting while driving. Entirely your own fault.

Only $180. You're lucky, my brother in law got a $250 ticket for texting while stopped at a red light. There is no text important enough to risk texting and driving. If I don't have a passenger to deal with my texts I either pull over to respond or completely ignore it, like a SAFE driver. Texting ( or phone use in general) is as bad as DUI ( and should have a similar penalty).

ApparentlyNotEno 28

Your (former) s.o. is a twat/prick for dumping you via text, though YDI for driving distracted. Hopefully you have $180 worth of their things in your possession that you can sell to pay the ticket, as it was their dick move that started the whole chain of events.

It is in no way the exes fault the OP didn't pull over before reading the text. What the ****. Dumping someone by text is a complete dick move but the OP is an even bigger dick by putting so many lives in danger before pulling over to read it.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

I wasn't implying the ex was at fault. Clearly OP was the transgressor, and owes the fine. And should never drive distracted again. At the same time, I think anyone who breaks up with someone over text/email/voicemail/friend/etc. - essentially anything but face-to-face (extenuating circumstances excepted) - loses whatever claim they had to anything given or shared in the relationship. So OP has every right to do whatever s/he wishes with those things... including selling them and paying the fine.

You literally said their dick move started the whole chain of events. And nah you still don't own their stuff. Legally they can sue you if you don't give them written warning and 28 days to collect their shit before selling/tossing it. Lowering yourself to their asshole level is just petty but whatever floats your boat.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

I literally did. And while there was nothing in that action that forced OP to text and drive, it *was* the first action in this particular chain. And personally, I think that sort of behaviour should be punishable by a 'fine' as well. Yes, you're probably right about the legality of their items. But I'm just a lad giving anonymous advice on the Internet. OP should probably not listen to what I have to say. Except for one thing: DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE.