By me - 20/12/2011 03:53 - United States

Today, another employee scolded me for being "socially awkward". The same employee who just before had a 10 minute discussion with a client about her poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 198
You deserved it 2 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blink182AAR 6

Well you would be acting awkward after witnessing them talking about her own crap.


brick_man33 14

where any remarkable shades of poop mentioned? (you know, your teals,burgundy,multi-colored)

Since the conversation lasted for at least ten minutes, then it's clearly commun interest between them. There must be a good, sane reason as to why two adults strangers would talk about poop. You just don't seem to know the full story. JUDGEMENTAL FREAK. Too much? Ok bye for now.

I did this before, and I will do it again. No. Too stupid. And don't say bye while commenting. I want to eat a baby now.

The beautiful thing about poop, is that it comes in all shapes and sizes and colors.

There is no same poop a like! Like a snow flake

So starting a conversation with people about their crap isnt considered socially awkward no more?

Not really it a human body function... Than again it seems to be part of my job description

KVKdragon 26

You should've scolded back by accusing her of alienating other people with her conversation topic. You'd actually be right and she might have shut up right then and there.

otb113 7

The ****.... Are you Dr. Suess or something?

mintcar 9

10 minute conversation? The client actually listened for that long?!

No it's awkward turtle and just no... NO!!! >:(

I'm sorry Wilson just thought I could run for president on that deserted island