By me - 20/12/2011 03:53 - United States

Today, another employee scolded me for being "socially awkward". The same employee who just before had a 10 minute discussion with a client about her poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 198
You deserved it 2 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blink182AAR 6

Well you would be acting awkward after witnessing them talking about her own crap.


Who doesn't talk about their poop freak

And then we realize that OP works in a hospital, and the "client" was a patient...

jackeechan 10

Thats being socially awkward, thats being socially open.

koolkat27 13

people don't normally talk about their own poop... I guessing thats what's awkward about it..

jazzyv94 3

Like she has any room to talk.........seriously? Wow!

What the hell is there to talk about for ten minutes on the topic of poop?

talking about your poop is the opposite of social awkwardness