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By Anonymous - 06/07/2013 11:26 - United States

Today, while out for lunch, a guy approached me and asked for my number. I politely declined. To my dismay, he dropped to his knees, grabbed his head, and started moaning about how nobody ever gives him a chance. I felt the accusing stares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 739
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find someone giving you the glare and say "hey, that person over there looks like she'd give you a chance."

Maybe he studies psychology and is VERY good at what he does...


nothing says sexy like a groveling stranger...although im sorry OP got put in the situation.

whiteboy896 9

peer pressure at its finest.

You are obligated to give him what he wants so YDI.

YDI. He asks you out and gets rejected. You get accusing stares as a result of your own actions. Sounds fair to me.

So you're saying I can't decline a random guy's/gal's request to have my number? I thought I could make my own decisions, but apparently not.

I'm pleasantly surprised! I was totally expecting a myriad of dumb pathetic 'Maybe you should give him a chance' comments.

Maybe he studies psychology and is VERY good at what he does...

Damian95 16

Or he needs to talk to a psychologist about self esteem issues.

Find someone giving you the glare and say "hey, that person over there looks like she'd give you a chance."

She should have just told everybody she was already engaged to someone :)

She shouldn't have to tell anyone anything. No should be enough. But people are assholes.

Mads_1234 28

Or the OP could give him the number to Pizza Hut/ rejection hotline. sad as that is, you can't really give in to stuff like that...A no simply means no.

Sad? I think downright creepy is now accurate!

Eh I wouldn't say creepy myself. It would be creepy if he grabbed OPs leg and begged or something along those lines, but he was just sad and crying over it.

deepunder 17

I wonder which number you are. 35?200?

rg350dx 29

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, he was #1

I genuinely wish I could up vote you more than once. Thanks for brightening my day!

He sounds like a pussy, but it's unfortunate you had to be the bearer of glares

Perdix, leave OP alone! At least, I assume it was you.

No, it wasn't perdix. Perdix would have walked up to the girl, dramatically removed his ever-present sunglasses, and made a crude joke about his sexual prowess. It works for him every time.

Perdix doesn't even have sex. By simply talking about his sexual prowess the woman becomes pregnant.

perdix 29

#7, never ASSUME, or you will make an ASS out of U and ME. And I make an ASS out of ME just fine without any help. Getting a number is not my M.O., if a girl hasn't fled in horror or disgust, I try to seal the deal then and there, and not give her time to think things through.

perdix 29

#18, just my luck! The DNA match and the court-ordered child support payments without the sexual gratification. Yay, me!

graceinsheepwear 33

18, I am pretty sure perdix is smart enough to make sure that his freedom of speech is protected. His smooth tongue may get the ladies going but I doubt he would risk creating junior perdi (that's plural for perdix, grammar nazis, not a typo).

Well maybe it is because he is such a big baby. Tell him to man the **** up and then maybe he will be able to get a date.

saIty 17

1) Get a puppy 2) Name him Chance 3) Give him Chance 4) He finally gets a Chance

That joke has been used more times than your moms *****.

saIty 17

If you're looking for my comeback you can scrape it off of your mother's teeth

You didn't make a joke about dinkleberg???

Does anyone have cold water I can borrow?

graceinsheepwear 33

21, your profile pic makes your comment that much better. Well done.