By peacechick25 - 02/01/2011 09:36 - United States

Today, as a finisher to a date with my girlfriend we decided to park behind the school and mess around. As we were pulling into a dark shaded spot, she drove straight into a snow bank. We spent the rest of our time together trying to dig the car out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 644
You deserved it 27 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Since the OP is named peacechick, I'm thinking that she and her girlfriend should have stayed in the car and scissored, rubbed Velcro and work the double-ended *****. That girl-on-girl stuff is so hot, the snowbank would have melted and thanked you for the boner you gave it befiore it disappeared.

Looks like... that joke was never funny nor will it ever be ..shut up.


mintcar 9

It's not the end of the world. You'll see her again, no? Sheesh.

Looks like... that joke was never funny nor will it ever be ..shut up.

perdix 29

Since the OP is named peacechick, I'm thinking that she and her girlfriend should have stayed in the car and scissored, rubbed Velcro and work the double-ended *****. That girl-on-girl stuff is so hot, the snowbank would have melted and thanked you for the boner you gave it befiore it disappeared.

perdix 29

Try not to notice that the OP is probably female and that this story is about lesbians. Evidently, this topic is some sort of sacred cow and we cannot have a little fun at their expense. Pretend that it's about a guy and a girl or you'll get censored with thumbs down

rachelmaee 0
Arschloch04 0

People are such babies. I thought your comment was fantastic.

Perdix, you are one sick monkey! *pushes thumbs up repeatedly*

FreshSalad 1

Well predix, you know what happened to Moses when he was on the mountain getting the 10 commandments... I think you need to take this FML ground it up,put it in the water and make the negative thumb people drink it.

therealsuperman 0

ydi for letting a woman drive

thatguy888 0

looks like someone *puts on sunglasses* doesn't like this joke. YEAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

zowieandzander77 1

Um "as a finisher to a date" ... Perhaps you should spend more time in school instead of hooking up outside of one.

QueenOfBoredom 0

I actually thought this was funny FML

musickraze45 0

you deserve it for living in Alaska haha

guckylynn 19

Although if 11 looked at OPs name, he'd realize his joke likely doesn't work because it seems like OP might be a girl.

Petawhitney 2

Silly lesbians with their butch haircuts and inability to drive or brake properly...