By Anonymous - 23/06/2012 14:59 - Ireland - Cork

Today, as a romantic gesture, my boyfriend gifted me an origami vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 684
You deserved it 4 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mylifesucks_fml 1

You should gift him an origami penis and tell him to shove it


ednusi 7

It's a gift, take it as one

Yea, it's just a Gag-Gift! One is not supposed to take a Gag-Gift seriously!

nerdywhiteguy 4

Was the origami ****** a virgin or has she be previously used

Hiphuray4peas 27

I love it! Annoying gift, but too funny!

if that doesn't ringabell I wonder what would.

That's pretty hilarious actually ^^

mariah_victoria 0

How the hell is this a YDI?