By Anonymous - 27/01/2015 01:43 - United States - Richmond

Today, as a volunteer tutor, I met up with a girl who needed help with calculus. When I introduced myself, she wrinkled up her face and said, "I'd hoped you'd be hotter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 804
You deserved it 2 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not a good sine. You might want to go off on a tangent and discuss manners with her.


I saw that you lived in Virginia, and you tutor calculus, and I immediately thought of my friend Kent. Maybe you are, I dunno...

Over 8 million people in Virginia. The chances of you knowing OP is pretty slim.

katydid91 31

I think she's been watching too much Mean Girls but then again she could just really suck at math.

Charles900 16

Perhaps she should find herself another tutor; you don't deserve that crap, OP.

Wtf. Does no one have manners and consideration for people's feelings anymore. So sorry and I'm sure you're plenty hot Anyone who can do math is sexy in my eyes lol

did anyone else realise that the girl said "you'd be HOTTER ".

Yeah, that's kinda the FML...? What's your point?

tantanpanda 26

The point is that she saw at least some degree of hot in him. That can be assumed since she said "hotter".

Don't tutor someone who's just gonna be rude to you

Trolloled 16

"Yeah, also, it was expected of you to be smarter, but here we are."