By Anonymous - 27/01/2015 01:43 - United States - Richmond

Today, as a volunteer tutor, I met up with a girl who needed help with calculus. When I introduced myself, she wrinkled up her face and said, "I'd hoped you'd be hotter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 804
You deserved it 2 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not a good sine. You might want to go off on a tangent and discuss manners with her.


I guess where she comes from all the tutors are Derek Zoolander types that can do math good and other stuff good too?

lmao its a tutor session not a dating service. what an idiot.

Interesting priorities...Tutor with a little sumpthin' sumpthin' !! lol!

Maybe there was a new number invented between 3 and 4 called durf.

You should have tutored her, but given her all the wrong info on purpose so that bitch would fail. **** her OP I'm sure you're handsome as **** :-)

Nissi 17