By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 00:27 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By betterthanhodor - 03/06/2015 15:46 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 19:06 - Denmark
By Wannabees - 03/04/2012 05:13 - Canada
Skincare routine
By Anonymous - 05/03/2023 03:00
New, from L'Oréal!
By oompaloompa - 28/10/2019 12:00
By skc - 14/03/2009 11:36 - United Kingdom
By owwwwwe - 09/01/2012 21:48 - United Kingdom
Tanned pits
By huulo - 16/11/2010 10:07
Eau de toilette
By anon - 05/03/2011 10:15 - United States
Hurry up
By lauren_rox - 08/11/2009 17:50 - Canada
Top comments
sshut up alll the people getting mad over self tanner, sun tanning, booth tanning or not tanning at all! most girls enjoy having darker skin or skin that "glows" because it makes them look more lively. i dont use self tanner just because im too scared im gonna mess up, and i also tan very easily so i dont really worry about it , but im not against it. if you want to use self tanner, good for you! if you dont want to tan (ps going on about how tanning is ugly and stuff...just stfu no one cares) good for you also! not everyone can tan or enjoys it. i think tanning is good to an extent.. not to the point where you're 10 shades darker from being in the sun for 5 hours. naat kewl. TAN = GOOD. now shut up pale people , you're just mad that you're stuck looking really white
I doesn't say she actually used the phone. I think the phone must've rang in another room and the person went to answer it but didn't because it's a telemarketer. But it seems like they would've seen the tanner on their hands when they went to put moisturizer on.
ydi for fake tanning
telemarketers ftw! they ruin everything, haha one called the other day saying i bought something online and she wanted to confirm my purchase or something stupid like that. she had an obvious indian accent and told me her name was ashley lopez. haha. and i dont even have a credit card?
And another falls victim to overly-narcissistic focus on her looks. Fake tanning cream is a lazy, ineffective way of getting a tan. Go out and spend some time on the beach, woman. Don't turn yourself into a carrot.
Well now you'll look like a clown!

YDI for using self tanner. Tanner cream = instant oompaloompa
I call BS. Unless you had mistaken your tanning lotion for moisturizer or unless you answer your phone with your feet this seems unlikely. You would have noticed tanning lotion on your phone when you picked it up unless you're an idiot.