By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 00:27 - Canada

Today, as I finished putting self tanner on my legs, the phone rang. Telemarketer. After returning to the bathroom I put moisturizer on my face. As I looked in the mirror, I soon realized I'd forgotten to wash my hands. My face is now streaky orange. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 592
You deserved it 51 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using self tanner. Tanner cream = instant oompaloompa

I call BS. Unless you had mistaken your tanning lotion for moisturizer or unless you answer your phone with your feet this seems unlikely. You would have noticed tanning lotion on your phone when you picked it up unless you're an idiot.


Carosello 0

... self tanning is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of... it's so fake if you can't tan, deal with it but then what would I know? I tan in an instant :) some of us are just born lucky

2legit2quitnow 0

if you use baking soda and water, it takes off any self tanner

Raine_Sage 0

#4, maybe it was, you know, an actual phone, rather than a cell phone. The OP was probably in her house when this happened, and it would make sense for a normal land-line phone to be there. Maybe it was an old-fashioned one that didn't have caller ID.

Blardo 0

You should instead go to a tanner for some cancer.

waxstigmata 0

perhaps you should use some none crappy tanner, or better yet none at all, nothing wrong with pale skin, i don't see how making yourself orange is going to make you look any better, ydi for using tanner

desso 0

#15, I'm pretty sure guys aren't too fond of girls that look like wrinkly prunes, either.

pencilmustache 0

That's what you get for trying to look like an oompa loompa.

dem_fml 0

Lemon juice! It'll get that shit off.

blahnoopoo 0

you don't wear make up?? cover it up. Girls best friend. Wash you face and scrub really hard it will come off.